Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Okay don't judge me, but Ashlyn finally got her first dental exam today! Yes, I know she is 17 months old and that I should of taken her in months ago. But I didn't okay!!! ha Anyways it was so sad, as soon as she saw the Dentist in his scrubs she new something was up. I tried to distract her with the cartoons that were playing but she would not even hear of it! For those of you who have met Ashlyn, you know when she is upset she is upset, there is no in between. To make a long story short she hated the entire thing, I was even a little uneasy when the Dentist grabbed his sharp utensils and put them Ashlyn's mouth to scrap away the tinniest bit of plaque in her mouth. NO CAVITIES, YEAH!!!!! She was totally happy a few seconds after the torture was over cuz the assistant gave her a slinky. Oh how I love that slinky!

Just so everyone knows I am having a blast in Texas!!!! Yes, I miss my family and friends in Utah, the beautiful mountains and the snowboarding, don't get me wrong! With that being said though, it is nice knowing that there is an end to all the school Tyler has been going through. And so far he is doing awesome (I knew he would). And I think we have figured out a big cause to Tyler's migraines. He is allergic to something, we think dust, but we are so blessed that Claritin D helps ha. This whole time we have been going to all these doctor's who had no answers and have put him on all these heavy meds and the whole time he could have just been taking Claritin ha. Oh and Jack loves it too!!!

Ashlyn and I are best buds we go everywhere together. Her favorite place is the park inside the Galleria Mall. She can climb and play with other toys. I know it is so dirty in those public places but I don't seem to care that much since I keep taking her there. She is just so happy and is learning and growing so fast. She is climbing up and down the animals and bridges there. She is also loving going down the slides, she is actually laughing when she goes down, so cute! We also went to this really cool all wooden park with some friends, and Ashlyn and the little boy are now best buds! So people in Utah come visit us so you can see my little girl and how cute she is ha!


Laura said...

I dont think you are late taking her to the dentist... I have never known a child to go THAT EARLY!! WOW! Kate hasn't been yet- I heard around 3 is the best age. So don't feel bad! Glad you guys are having fun!

Kimbo said...

Really? That makes me feel better, a lot of my friends have already taken their kids at about 8 months or when they started getting teeth. oh well.

Jewelcat said...

So glad you're letting my lil' neice have fun and not worring about all the little germs that are everywhere. Man I can't stand it when parents are so protective with there kids that they don't allow them to be kids and have fun! Who cares about the germs at the play area in the mall......etc... She is so dang cute! I'm glad yall are in Texas too! Especially excited that I get to know my neice that much more! xoxoxoox