Friday, October 2, 2009


Sorry guys I know I haven't written in a long long time, I have been super busy with a 12 month old child. She is constantly in to everything, and she constantly is needing all of my attention. I can't wash a single dish without her pulling on my leg and screaming. I have determined what she is trying to say is..."mother get down here and play with me, or at least take me up there...I can't see what your seeing from way down here!" Ha, I am funny. Anyways, Ashlyn turned 1 on September 25 and that morning we decided to go get her pictures taken. She was in a good mood when we got there, but as soon as we got back there and she saw the lights and the camera she started to cry. She is such a sensitive soul! So needless to say we barely got any good pictures. We only got one of her smiling. So frustrating! It was just me and Ashlyn that morning, Tyler had a work meeting so I had to try to calm her down all by myself, poor me I know ha. Nevertheless, I do think we got a few good ones though.


Jewelcat said...

Adorable! I know how you feel....I actually tried to bribe Alyese with a sucker at one of her pic taking sessions. I ended up giving it to her and letting her take her pic with the sucker thinking that would help...Little did I know that Alyese just got her sucker and made a mess and still cried. Finally I told the photographer to just take her pic that I could rub it in her face when she was older, with kids, haha!!! Everytime I see that pics I just have to laugh..even though in the moment i was so frustrated! She was terrified of the camera and lights, lol!!! Guess our girls had something in common!

the boy and girl. said...

Okay she is so cute! I wish I took Aiden in for his one year much work. JK She seriously is so dang adorable!

Unknown said...

there beautiful