Friday, July 24, 2009


Well, I know I have posted anything in a long time, but I do have a good excuse.......I lost my camera I take everywhere with me, I am so sad! So sorry about being absent. Tyler's family and our family recently traveled 6 hours down to Lake Powell where we stayed a week on an amazing house boat. It was wonderful, I miss the water already! Unfortunately, Ashlyn ended up getting a viral infection so she was sick the whole time we were there! It was still a blast though, we tubed, jet skiied, wakeboarded, played games, swam, etc. I learned how to jump on a wakeboard finally, and it is so fun! I wish we could have stayed much longer, I have decided that when we get money one of our first buys will be a boat! Oh and just to let everyone know, Ashlyn has her 2 lower teeth in hoorah!


Erin Brady said...

I am so jealous. I've never been to Lake Powell before, can you believe that? Congrats on Ashlyn getting two teeth! What a big girl!

Jewelcat said...

I'm jealous too! Sounds like so much fun, and I love all the pics....yall are way too cute! Beautiful family sweetie....yall are ya, Jewel :) xox

Anonymous said...

So here's an idea, when we (you and your husband, Kim and Tyler, and my husband and I) all get grown up and have money ;) we should take trips together to Lake Powell in the summer! My husband has always wanted to buy a boat, and we could all chip in to get a house boat,what do you say? ;)

Meg said...

Sounds like fun! That's too bad Ashlyn was did she do on the drive?? Beck is finally getting his 2 lower teeth too, seems like it's taking forever.

Unknown said...

I like Chelseas idea...Tyler and I really want wave runners, so you guys provide the boat we'll provide the wave runners and chelsea and shyrlan provide the gas! By the time we can offord this stuff gas will be a fortune.

I can't believe Ashlyn has teeth. She is growing up too fast!