Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Well everyone it is officialI got the best birthday present ever this year, Ashlyn crawled, hoorrahhh! Atleast I think I am excited, she is already getting into everything. She is so stinkin' cute though, I can't even get mad at her when she crawls over to the coffee table and finds the Ensigns and tear them up in the matter of 3 seconds.

For about 2 weeks Ashlyn had been teasing Tyler and I, only taking a step or two while on her hands and knees, then returning to her bum or belly. But I guess she was just waiting for the perfect time to crawl, she sure did time it right. She is 8 months old, I am so proud of her.

Tyler woke me up the morning of my birthday with two presents: a new Nikon D40 digital camera that I have been wanting for a long time, and an appointment with Arkana Hair Salon. For weeks I had been talking about how I wanted to do something with my hair, it was between two different styles of haircuts, Tyler told me to me to go extreme, so I did. Pixie cut it was. That's right I chopped all of my coarse thick horse hair off, now I look like tinkerbell jk. Tyler and I like it, so I hope everyone else will.


Jewelcat said...

HORRAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Happy Ashlyn Crawling day, and Happy ANTM hair dew!!!!! You go guuurrl!!!! Love it, only you could pull off that style in our family! Love it!!!! You totally are punk rock now baby! ROCK ON!!!!! xoxoxoxooxoxxooxox

Meg said...

I love your new haircut! You were brave and it looks awesome! That's exciting Ashlyn is crawling...Beck is getting close, it's so much fun, and a little crazy :)

Toones said...

I cant believe she is already crawling! That is so great!! Your hair is awesome! I hate seeing girls cry over cutting their hair....But you are smokin' mama! Happy Birthday!

denise said...

Hey, I remembered and found your blog. I'm adding you!

Jewelcat said...

It's time to post some more pics my dear baby sister! I'm dying to see more of you and your family! Love ya xoxoxoxox