Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Okay so for the past month or so, Logan has been having really sketchy weather. One week it will be really warm and the next it will snow what is up with that. I cannot tell you how much I want, need Spring to be here to stay. I am going mad. Anyways Tyler and I decided to take advantage of the weather one sunny day and go to the park. Ashlyn was so cute, she loved it. She loves grass, the sun, the wind...wait she is starting to remind me of myself ha. She does get something from me.


Jewelcat said...

OMGOSH!!! The pics from the park are amazingly cute!!! I love them all! they are all so precious! She looks like she's enjoying herself and yall look like yall had such a fun family day! That's so important! Love it!

Laura said...

SO cute! Kate is in love with the swing, too! I love the last one where Tyler is holding her by the feet! My dad does that too!

Toones said...

Such a happy family. She is so adorable!

Meg said...

She is such a cutie!!! We took Beck to the park the other day and he loved it too...I am also extremely ready for spring to be here. Can you believe how fast they grow?!

Tori said...

She is adorable. I'm so sad I don't get to see her in person. I'm sure she and Kayla would be best buddies.

Unknown said...

so so cute!

The Perry Family said...

How fun! She is getting so big, what a cutie!!