Thursday, September 15, 2011

My all time favorite comfort food!

So ever since I was little my momma would make me this amazing cheap meal every Sunday. Of course, she made us the common roast and potato meal for lunch but in the evening we would always have grilled cheese, tomato soup, and pickles. I absolutely love it. Just thought I would share my favorite cheap comfort food! Yall should try it some time, its amazing. Tyler always makes fun of me cuz I swear I eat this at least once or twice a week. Hahaha and yes I know I burned my grilled cheese a little, I like it that way.


Jewelcat said...

I know right....Don't forget oranges, Mom would always cut up oranges with it while we watched Superman every Sunday. Ya know the one with Dean Cane. I love it too, and we eat it alot still too! Ray laughs that I have to have the pickles with it......LOL! Traditions, are priceless! LOVE IT!

Kent said...

Classic combination, but never had it with pickles! I love pickles, but they have to be whole small kosher dills....yumm! Good call Kimbo!