Sunday, July 11, 2010


Well, I decided it was potty training time when I was giving Ashlyn a bath the other day and she said, "mama poo poo". I was busy cleaning the sink in the bathroom and thought since I had just barely changed her poopy diaper before putting her in the bath tub, that that must be what she was talking about. Moments later I heard her say "ewwww mama poo poo". I turn around...and sure enough there were a few floaters bumping into her toys. It was so disgusting!!! So I hurry and call Tyler in to help me clean stuff up and he takes Ashlyn and stands her on the sink to clean her up, then sure enough she says "tee tee"....and one second later what did she do? That's right all over the sink I had just barely cleaned. It was an exciting day I'll tell you that alright!


Anonymous said...

I love this picture, it's like she's saying: "Mom, leave me alone, I'm trying to read!" Haha, she's adorable!

Jewelcat said...

I laughed so hard when you told us that story!!! LOL! SO funny! I can't believe she's big enough to potty train...where does the time go? Well how's the potty training going? Any Luck yet?

the boy and girl. said...

hah! That's hilarious! Our little guy did #2 once in the tub and it was pretty disgusting to clean up. Luckily it was a solid one!