Sunday, November 1, 2009


So all I have to say is Ashlyn was so cute for Halloween, my little black cat! We went trick-o-treating in the morning at all the businesses on Main Street with some friends, it was so fun! Ashlyn was soooo shy, she wouldn't even grab any candy from any of the people at the stores, ha, I don't blame her though, some of those people handing out costumes were pretty scary! Then we ran some errands, you know get some diapers, Lysol (still cleaning up Tyler sickness), and what not. Then we went to my friends Halloween party, it was way fun. Tyler had to work Halloween night but I am glad he was able to make it to the party a little bit later. I made Ashlyn fit into a 3-6 month costume, sad, I just really didn't want to spend any money on a costume that she would only wear once. I was the mama black cat, and Tyler went out on his own and dressed up as "Jemaine" off of the "Flight of the Conchords" it was great! I like how I bought tons of candy for trick-o-treating and no one came, what is up with that, apartments deserve trick-o-treaters too ha!


Laura said...

She is TOOOO cute! LOVE IT!

Toones said...

Kimberly she is so freakin cute!! I sure miss you! I hope we can get together when I come out in November. Glad to hear Tyler feels better now.

the boy and girl. said...

So glad you FINALLY decided to come to the party! And I'm mad I didn't get a picture of your hubby's costume! What a poor little kid, too...stuck in tiny clothes--JK The top of Aiden's dinosaur costume was pretty much a belly shirt! Maybe one day they'll have clothes that fit them! hah.

Meg said...

Ashlyn is such a darling cat! And you too Kimberly...I was boring and didn't dress up but you 2 look so cute together! And I'm glad Tyler's better - I had swine flu a couple of weeks ago, it was horrible! I'm glad you and Ashlyn avoided it. (I want to see pictures of Tyler's costume, we love Flight of the Concords!)

Jewelcat said...

She was such a cute black kitty Kat! So were you hot momma! My favorite is the one of both of you together! Love it! Sounds like yall had a blast on Halloween! That's awesome! I just love Halloween! YEAH!

Unknown said...

I love that last picture! You guys are cute. And Tyler and I love Flight of the Concords. When we were in chicago two summers ago and didn't have cable that's all I ever watched! You need to post a pic of his costume as Jamaine