Saturday, September 15, 2012


Well I wanted to do something fun to find it out if I was having a boy or girl so this is what I decided to do. I went to my OBGYN and told him I did not want him to tell me the sex of the baby, but instead I handed him an envelope with a card inside that said..."Please circle one Boy or Girl. Thanks". After the appointment I took the envelope to a balloon shop and told them to put the correct color of the balloons in the box and seal it up. I came back in 30 min. to pick it up. I invited my family over for a "Guess the sex Party". I served pink/blue cupcakes and I had a jar for everyone's votes. It was sooo much fun!


I cant believe I'm having a boy!


Mrs. Schmalison said...

So fun!!!! I love your face as the balloons came out!

Unknown said...

That was a super cute idea! A girl in my ward did the balloon thing for her family/friends, but I don't know if she knew or not. So fun, though!

Jewelcat said...

So excited that your having a boy! The way you found out was so cute! Loved coming! And sharing in the fun! Love you! xoxox

Meg said...

Congrats that you're having a boy!! And what a fun, super creative way to find out, I love that picture of you guys opening the box!

Noelle and Corey said...

We are so very happy for you guys!!! Congratulations!!