Well everyone we have good news, Tyler has been accepted to Parker Chiropractic School in Dallas, TX. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For those of you that are in shock and are a little confused, let me break it down for you. Tyler and I had a "Plan B" if Dental school fell through, and it was Chiropractic School. However, I think that we no longer like to think of it as "Plan B" more like "Plan A" ha. Tyler has just been feeling more and more drawn to Chiropractic work and so we decided to throw in the towel for dentistry and pursue the chiropractic field instead, he seems to have more passion for Chiropractics (I wonder how many times I can say that word ha). So even though he can still be accepted to Dental School he has decided to pursue his new passion. Anyways to make a long story short he applied a few weeks ago, and just this past week we found out he was accepted, and now we start our journey of moving me back to Texas!
We are extremely stressed out considering this week is finals week for Tyler and in less than 2 weeks we will be flying home to TX for Christmas. And in less than 3 weeks we will have to be all moved in to a new apartment in Dallas because his school starts January 10. So wish us luck everyone and I will keep you posted.
Oh and I just want everyone to know about my crazy little Ashlyn and how smart she is hehehe!
- ball, mama, dada, Jack (our dog), dog, teddy, grandpa, grandma, book, hat, apple, uh oh, hi, bye, eyes, and much more I just can't think of them right now ha, how embarrassing!
- she can sign: sleep, eat, more, milk, bath, crab, phone, ball, hat, etc.
- noises: dog, sheep, snake, chicken, elephant, monkey, cow, horse, owl, lion, fish, car, plane, etc.
- Body parts: nose, eyes, hair, head, fingers, hands, arm, ears, mouth, toes, belly button